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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Science of Mind and Spirit in Simplified Prose

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We see the abundance of creation everywhere. The earth contains untold riches, and the air we breathe is alive with power. Why, then, is humankind so troubled with weakness, poverty and fear? The Science of Mind and Spirit addresses this problem by exploring the divine plan of freedom.

In the Centers for Spiritual Living, the movement that studies Ernest Holmes’ writing, it is a tradition among some communities to dedicate the first four weeks of each new year to the first four chapters of The Science of Mind and Spirit: The Thing Itself; The Way It Works; What It Does and; How To Use It.

This book is a paraphrase of those chapters, an easy read through for beginners.

The Living Bible, unlike most translations of the Bible, is a paraphrase by Kenneth N. Taylor, written to
make the text accessible to younger readers who might have difficulty with the King James Version. Remembering how much I enjoyed reading the Living Bible and how it provided for me a stepping stone to look at other classic translations, I saw how valuable a paraphrase of Ernest Holmes’ classic, The Science of Mind, would be for those beginning their study of metaphysics.


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