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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Questioning My Calling–How Do I Respond?

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I’m preparing for author Gregg Levoy’s visit to our Center on April 17 and I started poking around our records round the time he visited us last.  I started to remember what an amazing presentation he gave and how well received he was.  I asked a few people who attended his workshop back then what they thought and I was truly surprised at how many substantial details they recalled from his workshop.  They really got some meaty stuff from attending. 

I remember reading about his book in a class that Rev. Chris Michaels taught in which we used key ideas that Gregg talks about to explore the spiritual call that we feel.  I remember that according to Gregg calls are more like a kind of questioning more than anything else; a questioning you don’t necessarily need to answer, or know how to answer.  Calls come in a variety of ways, such as a dream that keeps on coming back, or a symptom that is comically metaphoric (such as a pain in the neck) or an environment in which there is just too much friction on an ongoing basis, and one of these opens a questioning in you.

I’m looking forward to his visit and I am excited about the material he plans to present in his workshop about how to make course-corrections in life or in work, or how to use the natural friction that rises up when we being to make a course-correction, and probably more about how do I respond to my calling, and what happens if I find myself questioning my calling.  He is going to speak at all three of our services, so you have the opportunity to preview this dynamic, humorous speaker and then make a decision about whether or not to attend the afternoon workshop.

One of the things that amazes me about Gregg Levoy is that he is seemingly tireless.  After giving three Sunday messages, he presents a workshop in the afternoon, and he is one of the few presenters that wants to go on longer… he really wants the attendees to get something from the workshop, he told me.  I think that he has a strong interest in the work he does and a passion for sharing it with the world.

You can purchase tickets for the workshop online through our bookstore but keep in mind, services are free to attend and always will be!

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