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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


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It is well to remember that the enlightened in every age have taught that back of all things there is One Unseen Cause: In studying the teachings of the great thinkers we find that a common thread runs through all—the thread of Unity. There is no record of any deep thinker, of any age, who taught duality. One of the great teachings of Moses was, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord"; and the saying, "I AM that I AM," was old when Moses was yet unborn; for it had been inscribed over the temple entrances for generations. We may go back much farther than Moses and find the same teaching, for it crops out from the literatures and sayings of the wise of all ages. Jesus taught this when He said, "I and the Father are One," and in the saying, "The Father that dwelleth in me."

This teaching of Unity is the chief cornerstone of the Sacred Scriptures of the East as well as of our own Sacred Writings. It is to-day the mainspring of the teachings of the modern philosophies, such as Christian Science, Divine Science, The Unity Teachings, The New Thought Movement, The Occult Teachings, The Esoteric or Inner Teachings, and even of much that is taught under the name of Psychology. Without this basic teaching of Unity these movements would have but little to offer. Science has found nothing to contradict this teaching, and it never will, for the teaching is self-evident.

Ernest Holmes

1 comment:

  1. For a very scientific presentation on the research and proof of the unified field of intelligence check out Dr. Hagelin's talk on this web site. He has flow charts that show the structure of every aspect of the universe is sourced in the One. What else do we need to know, and how much more proof or evidence do we need? The challenge remains to make it a practice in our consciousness and in our deeds--yes? Old habits die hard especially when our language creates separation thinking. Awake,awake,awake! Thanks.


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