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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What of Reward and Punishment?

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"What of reward and punishment? Shall we be rewarded for our virtues and punished for our short-comings? Can we think of reward and punishment from any other viewpoint than that sin is a mistake and punishment a consequence, that virtue and righteousness must find their corresponding effects in our experience? God neither punishes nor rewards. Such a concept of God would create an anthropomorphic dualism, a house divided against itself. Such a house cannot stand. Life is a blessing or a curse, according to the use we make of it. In the long run, no one judges us but ourselves and no one condemns us but ourselves. We believe in a law that governs all things and all people. If we make mistakes, we suffer. We are our own reward and our own punishment.

"Some suffer, some are happy, some unhappy, according to the way they contact life. No one judges us but ourselves. No one gives to us but ourselves and no one robs us but ourselves. We need not fear either God or the devil. There is no devil, and God is Love. The problem of good and evil will never enter the mind which is at peace with itself. When we make mistakes, we suffer the consequences. When by reason of enlightenment and understanding, we correct such mistakes, we no longer suffer from them. Understanding alone constitutes true salvation, either here or hereafter."
Ernest Holmes

Do you believe there is a different “hereafter” for different people based on their life?

1 comment:

  1. What you speak about, I think, is more about ingnorance equals sin or karma. Victims are victims out of ignorance about how to be or not be, they are about making choices without understanding of consequencs. It is no fault of theirs but a lesson on waking up through being knocked on the head. This perspective that you give voice to has the potential to lead a person into feeling like it is their fault rather than the perspective that their participation is a part of the whole dynamic. It is never about just one side of the equation. Taking responsibility, yes, but when you say we "do it" to ourselves I resist the inferenence that we are guilty some how. How can we do anything to ourselves but to set into motion a law of cause and effect? When we forgive what are we actually doing but releasing and letting it go, opening to a new way of being with it all? I always get hung up in the pronouns. There is only One.


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