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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Here is what we know of the man....

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· He had a remarkable talent for using words; he could speak in metaphor and poetry and communicate through compelling stories.

· He was very clever, often turning accusations back upon the accusers

· He openly challenged deep-seated social and political points of view

· He was amazingly courageous, willing to continue what he was doing even when it was clear that it would put him in lethal danger

· He was a healer…a healer of such fame that more stories are told about him than about any other in the Jewish tradition

· He was compelling. People would leave home and wander through the countryside just to hear him speak.

· And he had a mystical experience of life that told him that there was more, much, much more to reality than what we are able to determine through our senses…

He called that experience the Kindom of Heaven..

On Wednesdays in March, we'll be reviewing his teachings on the Kingdom of Heaven at the Wednesday Evening Services. See you there.


  1. Jesus the Christ!! I am so glad you are going to teach us about him. I was not raised in Christianity and have no preconceived, filtered understanding of him and have been fascinated by him and his teachings. Especially the part about how we can do what he has done and even more. The more I learn about him and who he was as the Christ, the more I fall in love with him. He is just about all that Emma Curtis Hopkins writes about or from. Thank you!

  2. Jesus the Christ!! I am so glad you are going to teach us about him. I was not raised in Christianity and have no preconceived, filtered understanding of him and have been fascinated by him and his teachings. Especially the part about how we can do what he has done and even more. The more I learn about him and who he was as the Christ, the more I fall in love with him. He is just about all that Emma Curtis Hopkins writes about or from. Thank you!


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