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Friday, January 9, 2009

Election of the Govenor

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Sunday is Election Day in Bangkok for the Govenor. Law prohibits the sale or consumption of alcohol from morning to midnight on Sunday.

I think they're on to something!

Yesterday the King addressed the 160 Supreme Court judges who were gathered to swear an oath of allegiance to the monach.

He said "I am glad to hear you utter an oath of allegiance with resolution, which is very important for judges. This means you have the intention to carry out your duty in a vigorous and honest manner. Every time I see judges, particularly Supreme Court judges swear thayt they will do good deeds and act in a straightforward mannera, I feel that there is hope for the future of the country. If the judges do good deeds, the country will be able to survive."

I think they're on to something.

The King also said that without this resoluntion to support the rules and regulations of the state, ordinary people would be unable to live normal lives and the country would be in disarray.

The Americans arrive today - I better warn them to get their liquor early and stash it up in their rooms for election day.

Did you know that His Royal Highness, the King of Thailand, was born in America?

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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