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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Prayer for Ministers

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I witnessed the majesty of the Divine in the awe-inspiring sunset this
evening. The light show of colors beyond human description proclaimed
Beauty, Power, and Grace. I felt the inner shift from the busyness of
the day and simply breathed in the moment. In this holy moment, I
remember how peaceful it is to stop and behold the Beloved and behold the
Beloved in me.
In this holy moment of inseparable Oneness, I spread my web of love to
all who need special care today. For every minister who is tending to
the countless details of ministry, while juggling births, deaths, classes
and counseling, I affirm the inner awareness of the Power Within that
does the work. For every spiritual community that is facing challenges
in attendance, finances, identity, or involvement, I affirm clarity of
purpose and Wholeness.
My eyes are turned to the Light, my heart vibrates to the sweetness of
Love and my mind is soothed in the Truth that God is in the details. I
gently surrender any remaining resistance to Good. With a smile I know
all is well.

In Light and Love,
Cheri Jensen
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying reading this blog so much, though I don't often comment, I check in often and find inspiration for the moment for the day for the evening. In Gratitude, Diane T.


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