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Friday, March 28, 2008

Armstrong Woods Might be Closed Down!

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  1. Ready for Prime Time!! [All except the grievous madrone/manzanita fiasco].
    Thanks for the promo for keeping the woods open.
    Love, J. Redwood Mann
    So fancy with the fades and rolling credits!

  2. Very Excellent! Madrones and Manzanitas love our rocky rollin' hills. Thank you for taking us on your hike and screaming for our Park.

    Interesting how the Parks and the Schools are decimated in the "buget cuts..."

    Those little yellow flowers which look like buttercups, but grow so low to the ground, ONLY grow in Somoma County, and they always bloom in March! We call them "Mimi's flowers" because they were in full bloom when our granddaughter was born on March 31, 2001!

    Again, Thank You! xoxoLauraC

  3. I am moved to see you romping in my church of origin. This is where I have experienced unity with God long before I walked through the doors at the Center. Have you found the waterfalls yet? Not telling..."Nature is the very body of God". Love, Sanna

  4. Closing the parks -

    I attended the Town Hall meeting in Guerneville about 3 weeks ago, with a panel of politicians and conservationists answering questions, all very supportive of our doing what we can to squash this notion that it would make any financial difference.

    If the 48 parks are closed the most that will be saved financially is $13.4 million. The CA budget deficit is in the billions, and this drop in the ocean would hardly make a ripple of a difference, but the cost to our state's enrichment would be drastic and irreplaceable.

    Volunteers are not an answer, since they already provide all the services to maintain our parks as is possible. Paid, skilled workers are required for the rest of what is needed for professional maintenance and repair of buildings, vehicles, fire roads. etc.

    Over 5,000 school children each year, mostly from urban areas, have their only exposure to an outdoor classroom by visiting our own Armstrong Redwoods.

    It was recommended that sending emails to one's political representative in Sacramento, or locally, is a good, simple way to voice opinions. However, it is actually more powerful for politicians to go to Sacramento with physically written regular-mail letters to have more impact. They would need to be in within the next couple of weeks to be counted and effective.

    To loose Armstrong Redwoods would be a great loss in many ways, including to the economy of Guerneville itself.

    I hope this is helpful.


  5. Closing the parks -

    I attended the Town Hall meeting in Guerneville about 3 weeks ago, with a panel of politicians and conservationists answering questions, all very supportive of our doing what we can to squash this notion that it would make any financial difference.

    If the 48 parks are closed the most that will be saved financially is $13.4 million. The CA budget deficit is in the billions, and this drop in the ocean would hardly make a ripple of a difference, but the cost to our state's enrichment would be drastic and irreplaceable.

    Volunteers are not an answer, since they already provide all the services to maintain our parks as is possible. Paid, skilled workers are required for the rest of what is needed for professional maintenance and repair of buildings, vehicles, fire roads. etc.

    Over 5,000 school children each year, mostly from urban areas, have their only exposure to an outdoor classroom by visiting our own Armstrong Redwoods.

    It was recommended that sending emails to one's political representative in Sacramento, or locally, is a good, simple way to voice opinions. However, it is actually more powerful for politicians to go to Sacramento with physically written regular-mail letters to have more impact. They would need to be in within the next couple of weeks to be counted and effective.

    To loose Armstrong Redwoods would be a great loss in many ways, including to the economy of Guerneville itself.

    I hope this is helpful.


  6. Ready for Prime Time!! [All except the grievous madrone/manzanita fiasco].
    Thanks for the promo for keeping the woods open.
    Love, J. Redwood Mann
    So fancy with the fades and rolling credits!


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