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Saturday, February 16, 2008

We Are One

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Confusing phrase: We are one. Shouldn't it be we IS one? Just messing. Anyway, the world of metaphysics is facing another shake up and settle down as two of the significantly large organizations, which were once One and then became two due to an upset (people are the same wherever you go) are now contemplating reintegration.

It's an exciting time in history and the reintegration move is thrilling to me, while at the same time the mechanics of uniting two different administrations is mystifying. The devil's advocate asked me where I thought people who become offended with this newly united administration will go when there is no "other" organization to flee to.

You see, the existance of two organizations allowed for affiliation, disaffiliation, reaffiliation, position, [would love to add disposition], reposition and so on.

So I told the advocate to buzz off because I know the answer and I don't want to publish it anywhere.

The questions pile up. How to do it. When to do it. Why to do it. When all along an alarming majority in both organizations want to do it. Maybe we don't need to know how to do it to do it.

Maybe it's like making love. Just start with the interest, then a few tentative and tender advances and after the exploration starts it gets all steamy and works itself out. Anyway, that's what I've heard.

We've been dating for so long that if someone doesn't make a move the passion is going to evaporate.

1 comment:

  1. Today I am thinking about how to create an environment/life that encourages honesty. That kind of honesty that leaves us vulnerable and soft, yet does not foster adversarial relationships or feelings of separation. I need courage and encouragement to speak what is true for me without blame or judgement. I find no matter how much inner work I have done I still have the habit of sorting people in to categories--especially safe and not-safe. I welcome the deepening of our movement and our community into greater acceptance of our human-ness while celebrating the Divine.
    Diane T.


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