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Saturday, January 26, 2008


Share it Please

Yesterday we went up table mountain - some of us went in the swiss made 360• rotating cable car made by the same folk who made the Palm Springs cable car. Four of us walked, well climbed, well struggled, well we made it up -- and in just 90 minutes...on step/rock at a time.

I would have taken a foto but I thought I was going to perish in the heat perched on the side of the mountain.

When triumphantly we met our friends at the top there was only time to pose with the serene meditators and gondola back down where I sat at a side walk cafe and listened to an all male acapella group sing and sing and sing witjh choreographed moves and to the delight of the african people who seemed to recognize the songs they sang.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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