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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Everything they say is true

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"I am at peace with my world. I give thanks for my life and all that is in it."


Well, it seems I still I have a whole list of things I am not at peace with.

Other people' opinions about me, for example. Still. Still on the list.

I had a giant point of view dropped down on me today and I noticed my feelings were hurt and the opinion lingered like a somber gargoyle peering down at me right into the place where it was supposed to be holy and worshipful.

If I take everything that is inside the opinion, its not so bad, really. And its not that no one has ever thought this or other critical thoughts about me before...

I try this "what if its true?" In that question's answer I sometimes find the painful spot where the gargoyle's claw is lodged in my shoulder, long enough its been there that it's a dark poisonous ache.

It's so humbling to practice gratitude for moments when someone aims a flashlight at your gargoyle. What gargoyle? No demons here!

"I am at peace with my world. I give thanks for my life and all that is in it."


  1. Love the blog.

    Re other people and their opinions, a certain pastor I know (you) said, "God has chosen you to be you. I love that." So do I.

  2. Gargoyles protect us from demons... so embrace what is true and the the gargoyle tear up what is untrue and then he can carry it away and it shall be no more...


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